Lemon Scented Candle


When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Fragrance Notes - Lemon Verbena + Thyme:

Top: Lemon, Lavender, Marine
Middle: Verbena, Citronella, Eucalyptus
Base: Orris, Musk, Cyclamen

It measures ~2" x 3" x 2" and weighs ~2.75oz / 78g

Check out our CANDLE CARE GUIDE under Resources for safety guides.

Made with an all natural biodegradable virgin coconut soy wax blend and primed eco wicks.

Gluten free, Paraben Free, Phthalate Free, Toxin Free

Our candles are made to order and hand-poured in NV so color, scent and appearance may vary slightly and also may have some imperfections.

Tag us on instagram @shop.nabiandco to be featured!

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When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Fragrance Notes - Lemon Verbena + Thyme:

Top: Lemon, Lavender, Marine
Middle: Verbena, Citronella, Eucalyptus
Base: Orris, Musk, Cyclamen

It measures ~2" x 3" x 2" and weighs ~2.75oz / 78g

Check out our CANDLE CARE GUIDE under Resources for safety guides.

Made with an all natural biodegradable virgin coconut soy wax blend and primed eco wicks.

Gluten free, Paraben Free, Phthalate Free, Toxin Free

Our candles are made to order and hand-poured in NV so color, scent and appearance may vary slightly and also may have some imperfections.

Tag us on instagram @shop.nabiandco to be featured!

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Fragrance Notes - Lemon Verbena + Thyme:

Top: Lemon, Lavender, Marine
Middle: Verbena, Citronella, Eucalyptus
Base: Orris, Musk, Cyclamen

It measures ~2" x 3" x 2" and weighs ~2.75oz / 78g

Check out our CANDLE CARE GUIDE under Resources for safety guides.

Made with an all natural biodegradable virgin coconut soy wax blend and primed eco wicks.

Gluten free, Paraben Free, Phthalate Free, Toxin Free

Our candles are made to order and hand-poured in NV so color, scent and appearance may vary slightly and also may have some imperfections.

Tag us on instagram @shop.nabiandco to be featured!

Lime Scented Candle
Orange Scented Candle
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Organic Eggs Wax Melts - Half A Dozen Set